Exploring the Benefits of Single Tooth Dental Implants

Single tooth dental implants can replace a tooth that’s been lost, whether it’s from decay or a physical trauma. Not only are implants an effective way to fill in your smile, they can also improve your oral health in several ways. Below, we’ll look at how these benefits work and what you can do to take the next steps.  

1. The Next Best Thing: Implants Replace Your Natural Teeth

Dental implants in Flowood, MS are the next best thing to your natural tooth. Stronger and more resilient than partial dentures or bridges, implants are held in place by a metal post that anchors the cap — in much the same way that your roots hold your natural teeth in place.  

This means that you can bite, chew, and speak the same way that you would before you lost your tooth. Bridges and partial dentures may be excellent alternatives, especially if you aren’t eligible for implants, but they typically can’t withstand the same wear and tear that implants can. With permanent tooth replacement, you don't have to worry!    

2. More Confidence When You Smile and Speak

Having a missing tooth doesn’t just affect your photos, it can affect how you feel every time you open your mouth. It can even affect other aspects of your appearance and presence. While we tend to think of a missing tooth as little more than a gap, the reality is that missing teeth can cause your speaking voice to change and it can actually cause your facial structure to change.  

A single tooth may not cause your cheeks or skin to sag, but it will eventually impact your face’s integrity. With a single-tooth implant, you’ll have the confidence that you need (and the reflection you’re looking for). This is just one reason why it’s so important to schedule an appointment for implants in Flowood sooner rather than later. People with dental health issues, such as jaw bone loss or damaged gums, won’t be able to handle the procedure for implants. The longer you have a missing tooth, the more likely you are to experience both of these issues.  

3. Better Long-Term Dental Health

When you have a missing tooth, it impacts more than just an isolated section of the mouth. That gap is an invitation for bacteria and plaque to build-up, and it’s not always easy to clean it all out with standard brushing and flossing. In addition, your other teeth may begin to shift and slide over to fill in the gap, which can cause issues with your bite and jaw alignment.  

With a single-tooth implant, you can brush and floss normally, and your other teeth won’t be tempted to move into the empty space. Implants often give people the motivation they need to keep up with their healthy habits, which is especially important for long-term oral health. In other words, the more you love your smile, the easier it is to care for it!

4. Implants Are an Easy Process

While the implant process is longer than many other procedures because it takes time for the metal post to fuse to the jawbone, it usually a very straightforward process. When you work with the right implant dentistry staff, like the passionate and dedicated team at Family Dental Care, you can make appointments that fit your schedule and help you achieve your dream smile!